Thursday, November 02, 2006

Happy Birthday to David

Happy Birthday--one day late--to my brother David, whom as you all know is pretty unbeatable as a brother in my opinion. It's very befitting that he entered this world on All Saints' Day, because he has been a saint to me my whole life. How many girls can say that their big brother treated them like royalty? He's practically perfect, except that he doesn't like mushrooms, which I think is wierd. Thanks, David, for teaching me how to throw a baseball, shoot a basketball, taking care of me when I had my wisdom teeth taken out, dancing with me at weddings, and telling me all those stories about Charles (who was dark and dank, and all mouth). Hope your birthday was the best, and we can't wait to see you guys at Thanksgiving!

Anyway, here he is with his 22-month-old son Matthew, who is so cute I want to squeeze him until he POPS! And I had to throw this one in of Matthew and David doing their part for the cure for breast cancer, because it's just so darn precious!